[Poetry] Free My Soul

Dear sky, open your bosom;
And receive my soul from earth;
I feel trapped inside a lifeline;
Which has neither joy nor mirth.

They say a soul chooses its lifeline;
But how can mine choose a life,
With no wealth, no support, no love,
No partner or friend except endless strife?

Am tired of pretending all is right;
My soul must have made a mistake;
Day in day out I meet more apathetic souls;
They and I fake smiles that look so fake.

Each night as I try to sleep, I dream,
Gulping pills together to free my soul -
From this bondage, with the soul rising up;
To blend with the higher light, its goal.

This night, let this dream come true;
Help me find pills that'd set my soul free;
Let an angel enter and be my guide;
And you sky open its bosom for me.

[Poetry] Affair At The Beach

Two souls I saw approaching each other;
Youths with no shoe, they had only got slipper;
The sun started setting, sinking deeper.

They took a handful of beach sand, made into ball;
Calling each other names I can’t recall;
Sand balls aimed at each other, gauging the direction of the fall.

Making each other dirty, they went for a bath;
Sea waves started rushing in, showing their wrath;
The sun continued sinking, deeper in its path.

They sang and danced together, made merry;
Few thirsty singles sitting around, with expressions to the contrary;
But ah, all that fun and love was so momentary!

Suddenly rang her phone, she stood at a distance from him, alone;
Then they bickered and turned backs, he uttered a moan;
And I believe after seeing them, even I have grown.

[Poetry] Finding Rest in Mumbai

Two thousand miles I traveled for peace;
For too much noise and shouting where I lived;
Too much negativity where hometown is.

Came by flight here, slept on three chairs;
Some bloke gave me whiskey and said, 'Cheers!';
Could not sleep so I left, they took money, who cares.

Found a room two miles away, shared by eight;
Sometimes they played very loud music;
Sometimes, over Wi-Fi or food, they had a fight.

Found another new place, crammed as first one;
Shared by a guy talking to his girl every night at two;
Attached to a toilet shared by fourteen.

Already fed up, nowhere to go, a truck driver
Got me another place, ridden with bed bugs,
And mosquitoes, for which he was the broker.

Found a fifth place, this was a very tiny dorm;
Had a plump old lady as my roommate, till a guy
Cajoled me to move where he stayed with his crazy mom.

Was ready to move to a village filled with creepy
Drunkards and beggars, until at last I found
The perfect room, where now I always feel sleepy.

[Poetry] Why Can’t I Get A Soulmate?

You know a strange thing happened. I was commenting on a video where a couple got married after meeting on Facebook. At first I commented, 'Love exists...in some corner of the earth...Very difficult to find.' then I just wrote a poem but it does not seem like i have written it, rather it seems like someone manipulated my hand and made me write it.

I met a wise old monk once;
I asked him, ‘Does true love exist?’
He smiled and said ‘Yes.’
I was rather surprised.

‘Why then I find love so elusive?
Why can’t I get a soulmate?
I find it difficult to find even one;
While close my friend has five.’

‘How is having five proof of love?
Ever asked him if those five love him?
Or does he love any of them?
Is he happy – have you asked him?

Love is a lot like the sand you hold;
Try holding five different kinds of sand;
They will all slip if you try hard and squeeze;
But will remain if you keep your palms open.

When you compare yourself with others;
You force yourself to become them;
You are not him so don’t compare;
Keep palms open for true love to enter.

One day you will definitely realize;
That no other person can love you;
The way you can love yourself;
That you are your own true soulmate.’

[Poetry] Don't Say Sorry

Don't Say Sorry:
For speaking up your mind;
It is your fundamental right.

Don't Say Sorry:
For what your forefathers did;
You're responsible only for YOUR actions.

Don't Say Sorry:
If you start crying suddenly;
Tears are the greatest healers of inner pain.

Don't Say Sorry:
For all the flaws you have;
You aren't alone: everyone has some.

Don't Say Sorry:
For choosing to live the WAY you want;
It is your birth right.

Don't Say Sorry:
For selfishly thinking about your end;
If you don’t, who else would?

Don't Say Sorry:
For exercising your right to say NO;
Else you risk being walked all over by others.

Do Say Sorry:
If you have intentionally hurt someone;
If one's suffering is directly proportional to your actions;
If you are so selfish that you cannot empathize with others;
If your lifestyle is harming someone;
If you can't keep your commitments;
If you are too lazy to even read this poem. :P

[Poetry] Prayer of a Depressed Soul

Dear universe, I am very grateful for:

Being passed on and ignored by everyone;
Being accused of doing things I never did;
All the hurt that has been bestowed on me;
All the failed love affairs I have experienced;
All the suspicious, judgmental and cruel people I’ve met;
All the people who never believed in me or valued me;
And parents who bequeathed me their apathy and negativity.

No grievance harbored against anyone now;
Since I know it is you universe who wanted me
To fail and suffer at every step;
But now, I just want you to grant me death;
For I have had enough of this earthly life;
Thank you for everything but I can bear it no more;
I am after all human, I need a break too.

[Poetry] An Awesome Tomorrow

No matter where you are today;
Strive to create an awesome tomorrow;
So that for people who laugh at you now;
You become a source to borrow.

No matter where you have ended now;
Strive to carve out a new beginning;
So when you look back at past failures;
Your future is already bright and shining.

No matter how many reject and block you now;
Use the support of those who are with you still;
Work for the success that makes you enviable;
So others want to connect with you of their own will.

You will see that life was really scripted this way;
When one fine day, in retrospect, you wrap it up all;
So you could learn the lessons you ought to;
And inspire millions of others as well.

[Poetry] Dark Clouds

Dark clouds floating from one end of sky to another;
That’s all I get to see every morning I wake;
No smoldering sun in sight nor no moonlit night;
As though I am covered with a maiden’s hair of black.

The sun of my destiny had set a long while ago;
Clouds made me uneasy at first but now loving the dark sky more;
Changes are part of life - one must accept them without a hitch;
I wait for the day when black will become my entire core.

[Poetry] Thirteen Winters of Love

One season is supposed to go, another ought to come;
Here I am, stuck in the same weather, for way too long;
Peeping through one small window once a day;
Had read about three seasons in books: sun, rain and snow;
Nothing changes in here, only I continue to grow.

Thirteen winters, just me and my shadow living;
Peeping through one small window once a day;
Seeing the regular sight of cold and uncaring strangers;
And man and woman looking at each other, seemingly in love;
For years love was something I used to crave.

Till one wise birdie I met once pattered to me:
'Don’t complain ever about anyone about your solitude;
You are not alone, each one of us live and die alone;
Others care more for them and merely pretend to care for you;'
Suddenly I envisaged all the kisses I had seen the couples blew.

One season is supposed to go, another ought to come;
Thirteen long winters, me and my shadow, in one little hut;
Few girls giggling at me through one small window;
I see man and woman in passion like two peas in a pod;
Growing to love solitude more, learning that love’s just a façade.

[Poetry] Attack of The Wolf

[The background: I used to live in a metro where I found both wolves and jackals. The wolves were the 'fraudsters' who were after my money (the so called 'life coaches' or 'mentors'] and the jackals were their 'followers' or ‘chamchas’ who pretended to be my friend and having my best interest in their heart: just to gain my trust and grab my money. Sometimes the 'wolf' and 'jackal' were even buddies! I chose to move away from that city eventually…keeping my best interests in heart]

One poor little heart, living in forest;
Faced once a pack of wolves with bare teeth;
How to survive this quandary;
How not to encounter imminent death?

All of them poised to pounce;
Some from front others from side;
If I look at them they growl more;
Why they want me, while field is open wide?

Two jackals from behind, pierce through;
They come to me, to cajole me;
Saying ‘the wolves are no threat,
But are here to help and protect thee.'

I followed what my own instinct said:
'Neither jackal nor wolf is a friend;
A better place awaits you, far from here.'
Moving away there is what I intend.