If only we stop getting so violent and defensive;
If only we stop pointing fingers at each other;
If only we stop generalizing by gender, religion or caste;
Then the world would be a better place.
If we start looking for a solution and not at the problem;
If we start looking at people as people and not their gender or religion;
If we start being more practical and less foolish when judging others;
Then the world would be a better place.
If we stop using people as scapegoats for political propaganda;
If we stop taking the media and politicians so seriously;
If we stop getting blinded by candle marches of extremists;
Then the world would be a better place.
Let the crime of a girl being violated be treated as heinous;
And that of a boy being assaulted be treated as equally serious;
Let not religious leaders, social media or politicians tell us what to do;
Then the world would be a better place.